
Chickweed Control

Chickweed (Stellaria Media)

Chickweed is a cool season annual. This is a low-growing plant with very small broad oval leaves. The plant germinates in autumn or late winter then forms large mats of foliage. Flowers are small and white, followed quickly by seed pods. This plant flowers and sets seed at the same time. Common Chickweed prefers cool, damp conditions in shady areas. They tend to disappear under high temperature stress.

Facts About Chickweed:

  • Chickweed aka starweed is a nutrient dense edible and medicinal properties
  • Chickweed can cause saponin poisoning in cattle
  • The leaves of Chickweed can be eaten, the stems can be eaten if cooked as well
chickweed - stellaria media
chickweed - stellaria media
chickweed - stellaria media

It's best to use a broad spectrum post-emergent herbicide for broadleaf weeds 3-4 times per year to treat chickweed as it matures. Granular fertilizers and liquid weed control applications will also help turfgrass dominate the lawn and prevent undesirable weeds. Spring Touch offers our customers a customized lawn care program.

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Spring Touch offers our customers a customized lawn care program. The program can use professional control methods, organic products, or a hybrid professional/organic approach. Note that the organic lawn care program does not provide weed control. The recommended treatment for white clover is a broad spectrum postemergent herbicide. Expect results to take at least 3-4 treatments per year to achieve white clover control on your lawn. Spring Touch recommends our 6 step lawn care program to remove white clover and thicken up your existing turf lawn. For more information call 507-388-9100 or go to our customer assistant website to get a free instant quote on your lawn care program today.
